Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

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Eastern Provience Officer's Workshop

  • 24 Aug 2019
  • the Holiday Inn and Suites located at 20260 Goldenrod Ln., Germantown, MD.20876

From: Edward Thomas <shmar1971@yahoo.com>
Date: August 10, 2019 at 8:21:09 AM 
Subject: Re: Social Action Project for Officers Workshop for Three  
Reply-To: Edward Thomas <shmar1971@yahoo.com> 

Brother Ewell, please send out to the Province, Gaithersburg-Rockville (MD) Alumni Chapter added two schools.

Once again Brothers, we are about to start doing Kappa business only as the Eastern Province can. If you don't know we are ready to embark on our new year in Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. with Officer's Workshop, hosted by Frederick (MD) Alumni Chapter and Gaithersburg-Rockville (MD) Alumni Chapter. The event will be held in Germantown, MD. at the Holiday Inn and Suites located at 20260 Goldenrod Ln., Germantown, MD.20876.

We will be doing a school supply drive for Spring Ridge Elementary School, 9051 Ridgefield Drive, Frederick, MD., 21701, principal, DeVeda Coley. " We are proud of our teachers, students and accomplishments as a school. Our school motto, "Doing our best every day and every way," is the basis for our belief that each child is unique in ability and learning styles. We make every effort to adjust learning activities to the style and speed that best meet each child’s need."

Supplies needed are: composition books, spiral notebooks, pocket folders, dry erase markers, Ziploc bags, tissues., pencils, notebook paper, glue sticks, book bags, etc. The items will be collected at or near the registration table.

Also Gaithersburg-Rockville (MD) Alumni Chapter have selected Strawberry Knolls Elementary school in Gaithersburg and Waters Landing Elementary In Germantown MD. 

Below are some of the schools supplies requested for students this year:  

24 pack of crayons, No. 2 pencils, pink erasers, washable markers, glue sticks, and bottles of glue. 

Lets start the year off with a bang like the Flagship Province is suppose to do by "Leading the way."

Yours in the Bond

Edward Thomas

Chairman, Social Action Chairman

Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter

Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

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